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Space Availability - UCSB Library

This is the Room Reservation system for the UCSB Library.

NOTE: To book a room longer than 30 minutes, select the first half hour and use the pulldown below the grid to extend the booking period. 

  • DUO authentication is now required for room booking.
  • UCSB students, staff, and faculty may reserve this room for up to 4 hours per week.
  • The Presentation Practice Room is located on the 1st Floor, Mountain Side (Room 1506). For reference, please see Map of Group Study Spaces.
  • Priority will be given to UCSB students, staff, and faculty who are using the room for presentation practice and have reserved their space through this system. When not booked for presentation practice, this room is available for drop-in study.
  • Drop-in Group Study Rooms are also available on the 2nd Floor Mountain Side Learning Commons.
  • The Presentation Practice Room may not be used for instruction, office hours, or other standing meetings.
  • UCSB Library reserves the right to cancel a room reservation.
  • You will receive a confirmation email at your address.
  • You will need to bring proof of confirmation (printout, saved email or screenshot on phone, laptop, or other device, etc) when you come to the space to claim your slot.
   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding